Git and command line: I just used the git config tool to shorten the amount of time it takes to upload commits to github. I entered:\ git config --global alias.add-commit '!git add -A && git commit'
The config command allows you to configure some parts of using git in the command line.
The --global flag signifies that the following changes are to be made 'globally' across the computer. So not just for this file.
alias. is used to create a nickname for a command. I used add.commit as the nickname.
In the remainder of the command, we have '!git add -A && git commit'.
Notice the single quotation marks. Within those marks, is what will be inputted when you calle the alias. However, notice the ! before 'git'. I think this means that you the command should not include the word git when called on.
- I'm not sure if this is the case or not, but why include !git in the first place if it is not to be included.
I also added another alias to shorten the time to check the git status.
git config --global alias.s '!git status'
If you want to commit some code to git, even though no changes has been made to the code since the last commit, you need to to use the parameter --allow-empty when entering the commit into the command line. Someone on stackoverflow suggested that there is rarely a need to do this though.
Similar to the --allow-empty parameter, the --allow-empty-message parameter allows you to make a commit without having to enter a message.
Git stash seems to be some way of stashing the changes made on a branch, when you you want to change to another branch. I'm still confused by this.
It first came up when I was in an alternative branch in VS Code.
I tried to save the file, but I received a warning saving this: "Your local changes would be overwritten by checkout"
Looks like you can save these stashes and give them messages.
I think you can even turn them into branches.
They are stored in index form, so the first one is stored in index 0.
And you can delete specific one by using the drop command. So
- So use drop 2 to delete the third stash.
You can also use the pop command to delete the last stash, similar to how arrays work.
Looking at this video: How to change branch without losing your work, it looks like the term 'shelf' might be an alternative word to stash. I'm not sure what editor they're using though.
Now they're saying something abut this not being git, and some association with php.
Ah, I see they're using something called PHPstorm.
- This isn't relevant for me. Exiting video.
A detached head in git is something got to the head pointing to a commit instead of a branch. Not sure what this means yet.
You can use the command line to stash code using 'git stash'.
Getting back to the error over it not saving, I solved it.
I just committed the code, and then I could switch back and forth.
So no need to stash or force anything.
- I'll get back to learning about stashing eventually. But I'm going to get back to working on this code instead. (Go's crypto and encoding packages.)
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