- React JS is not necessary if you want to build a static website.
- HTTP verbs such as “POST” do not need to be capitalised. But it is done out of convention.
- <form></form>, this tag is for creating a form. \
<form action="/example.html" method="POST">
- In the above code:
- The action attribute determines where the information is sent.
- The method attribute is assigned a HTTP verb that is included in the HTTP request.
- The <input> element is self closing. It is used to received input in a form.
- The <label></label> element is used to add a label to an input. You can give it the for attribute to assign it to a input. Just assign the input element with an id attribute that has the value as the for attribute. With this, you can click the label, and the related input field will be highlighted.
- use the <input type= “password”> attribute to make sure any characters entered into the field will show up as *.
- The type=“number” attribute makes sure that you can only enter numbers into the field.
- The step=“1” attribute allows the user to increment or decrement the number in the field with arrows. The number you assign to it refers to the number of increments. Eg. if it had a value of 3, it would increase by 3 every arrow click.
- The range attribute creates a slider. You can combine it with the step attribute to make the slider more or less smooth when using it.
- I’m still confused by what is the difference between the id and name attributes in the input element of a form.
- I think id is just for associating it with a <label>. But I don’t know what name is for.
- The <select></select> element is used to create a dropdown form for the use to select from.
- The <textarea></textarea> is similar to the <input> element, but it creates a larger are to enter text. It is the box that you can expand by mouse pulling the tag on the bottom right hand corner.
- The type=“submit” attribute is added to an <input> element to turn it into a submit button for the form. If you do not add a value attribute, the default text on the button will be “Submit”.
- Sprints, acceptance criteria and burn down charts are all elements of scrum development.