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Bootstrap and UTM Virtual Machine. Today I Learned: Tuesday, June 28, 2022
- There’s a chance we might be switching stacks again due to the restrictions on on the type of database we are using. The new stack will not use React, but basic HTML and CSS.
- Currently taking a bootstrap crash course on youtube.
- CDN is when you import bootstrap as a link into the html code. It comes in two parts. The CSS is meant to be copy pasted into the head of the HTML. Whereas the JS <script> link is to be pasted at the bottom part of the body.
- Bootstrap 5 dropped JQuery. I’m not sure what that is, but the guy in the video is happy about it. Saying it is ‘one less dependency to worry about.’
- RTL stands for Right-To-Left design.
- When you first import Bootstrap to a site, it with format the site into ‘Reboot’ format. This means it will remove any padding, font choices that is on the site by default.
- classes in HTML are the things wrapped in arrows. Eg. <h1>, <img>, <div>, etc.
- No wait, they are actually tags.
- classes are actually things created in CSS toaster the style. You insert the class name into the HTML tag do change how it’s displayed.
- There is a software called UTM that works as a virtual machine for Mac. I have just installed it and am now downloading a free copy of Windows. You can get an official copy for free by signing up to the Windows Insider Program. The file size for windows is around 10gbs. It’s downloading at a rate of ~2.3mb/s (server side), much slower than my local download speed of 126mb/s.
- Ok I have UTM, Windows and now RETScreen installed. The only issue is, York’s subscription is expired. I needed to download an ‘.rkey’ file that was emailed to me. When I uploaded that file into RETScreen it said it was expired. I emailed professor and the IT dept. I should have a new key soon.