Backend Web Development Concepts & Google's feud with Oracle. Today I Learned: Wednesday 8 June 2022

Wednesday 8/6/2022
  • Currently watching this video: Backend web development - a complete overview (2021)

    • According to the video, a list of all the different types of requests allowed by the backend is called an API.

    • I have been dealing with post, get and delete requests before in class. But I never knew they were associated with an API.

      • I'm still not entirely sure how APIs work, but this explains it a bit more.
    • "The API is one of the most important concepts in backend programming." -presenter.

    • He's speaking about REST now.

      • Is he saying that type name convention of using POST, GET and DELETE is specific to REST?

      • If so, what are the alternatives to REST?

    • A PaaS (Platform as a Service) is used to help setup a customer's site onto a cloud platform.

      • Some examples are:

        • AWS Beanstalk

        • GCP Cloud App Engine

        • Microsoft Azure App service

    • Splitting up a backend into several backends is called microservices.

      • Each microservice does not need to use the same programming language or database as another.

        • An alternative to using your own microservice, is to use a SaaS instead. (Software as a Service)
  • Google steered away from using Java in the 2000s because of a series of lawsuits from Oracle over Google using their Java APIs for Android.

    • Google started to use Kotlin then.
  • Generics were introduced into GO in v1.18.

    • Getting Started with Generics in Go

    • I only heard about generics last week.

    • Apparently other languages have them, and GO has only recently introduced them.

    • Are they a type of object? Or struct?