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The default main branch name when initializing a git repository differs from local git GitHub. Locally, the default branch name is ‘Master’, whereas,...
font-size: 18px; is used to change the HMTL fontsize to 18px. You can insert an image into the site via CSS instead of HTML by doing...
<svg> This tag is used as a semantic container for a svg image element. SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics. W3 schools says SVG “is used to...
There are are four parts to a web address: Protocol https:// Sub-Domain www. Second Level Domain codecademy Top-level...
The type selector is used in the CSS file to select certain element types and apply styling to them. Eg p { \ color:green; \ } The universal...
required is another attribute for the <input> tag. Is it used for form validation. If the field remains empty when submitted, the user will receive a...